隱私政策/Privacy Policy

1. 資料收集


2. 資料用途


3. 資料分享


4. 安全措施


5. 資料存儲


6. 第三方服務


7. Cookie使用


8. 未成年用戶


9. 使用者權利


10. 隱私政策變更


11. 數據匿名化


12. 數據傳輸


13. 法律遵循


14. 資料刪除


15. 資料泄露


16. 第三方鏈接


17. 用戶同意


18. 查詢請求


19. 數據共享限制


20. 數據更新


21. 數據保留期限


22. 數據訪問權


23. 數據修正權


24. 數據攜帶權


25. 數據限制權


26. 數據異議權


27. 自動決策


28. 數據遷移


29. 數據使用目的


30. 第三方合作


31. 兒童隱私


32. 使用條款


33. 資料保存


34. 用戶通知


35. 用戶支持


36. 意見反饋


37. 服務中斷


38. 法律依據


39. 資料退訂


40. 聯繫信息


1. Data Collection

We collect information provided by users when they interact with moyoshibot, including but not limited to usernames, message content, and usage behavior.

2. Data Usage

The data we collect is primarily used to improve moyoshibot services and provide users with a better experience.

3. Data Sharing

We do not share user data with third parties unless required by law.

4. Security Measures

We take reasonable security measures to protect user data from unauthorized access, modification, or deletion.

5. Data Storage

User data will be stored on our secure servers and will only be retained as necessary.

6. Third-Party Services

moyoshibot may use third-party services to provide certain functionalities, and these services may collect user data.

7. Cookie Usage

We may use cookies to track user preferences and improve services.

8. Minor Users

Users under 13 should use moyoshibot with the consent of a parent or guardian.

9. User Rights

Users have the right to inquire, correct, or delete their personal data and can contact us to exercise these rights.

10. Privacy Policy Changes

We reserve the right to change the privacy policy at any time, and changes will be announced on this page.

11. Data Anonymization

We may anonymize the data collected for analysis and research purposes.

12. Data Transfer

User data may be transferred between countries, and we will ensure data security during such transfers.

13. Legal Compliance

We will comply with all applicable privacy laws and regulations.

14. Data Deletion

Users can request us to delete their personal data, and we will process these requests within a reasonable time.

15. Data Breach

In case of a data breach, we will promptly notify affected users and take appropriate measures.

16. Third-Party Links

moyoshibot may contain links to third-party websites, and we are not responsible for their privacy policies.

17. User Consent

By using moyoshibot, users agree to our privacy policy.

18. Inquiry Requests

Users can submit inquiry requests to us, and we will respond within a reasonable time.

19. Data Sharing Restrictions

We limit data sharing internally and ensure that only authorized personnel can access user data.

20. Data Updates

Users can update their personal data at any time to ensure its accuracy.

21. Data Retention Period

We retain user data only as necessary and securely delete it after the retention period.

22. Data Access Rights

Users have the right to access their personal data and can request a copy of the data.

23. Data Correction Rights

Users can request us to correct any inaccurate or incomplete personal data.

24. Data Portability Rights

Users have the right to transfer their personal data to another service provider.

25. Data Restriction Rights

In certain circumstances, users can request us to restrict the processing of their personal data.

26. Data Objection Rights

Users have the right to object to our processing of their personal data.

27. Automated Decision Making

We do not make any significant decisions based solely on automated decision-making or profiling.

28. Data Migration

If we migrate data to new servers, we will notify users and ensure data security.

29. Data Usage Purposes

We only use data for the purposes stated at the time of collection.

30. Third-Party Collaboration

We may collaborate with third parties but will ensure they adhere to relevant privacy standards.

31. Children's Privacy

We prioritize children's privacy and will take measures to protect data from underage users.

32. Terms of Use

This privacy policy is part of the terms of use and has equal legal effect.

33. Data Backup

We regularly back up data to prevent data loss.

34. User Notifications

We will notify users of any changes to the privacy policy via email or message.

35. User Support

We offer limited user support services, and any issues should be directed to us through specified channels.

36. Feedback

User feedback will become our property, and we have the right to use it for improvements and promotions.

37. Service Interruptions

We do not guarantee uninterrupted operation of moyoshibot but strive to maintain service stability and availability.

38. Legal Basis

This privacy policy shall be interpreted and enforced according to the laws of Malaysia.

39. Opt-Out Procedure

Users may stop using moyoshibot at any time and notify us to cancel their account.

40. Contact Information

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us through our official channels.